Vietnamese Chopped Salad

It’s spring time everybody!  How freaking exciting is that?!  I love season changes.  Except for winter.  I could definitely live without winter.  But spring means no more snow, it means a lot more fresh local produce, means summer is coming and salads are on the menu again!  Not that you can’t eat them in the winter but I think you know what I mean. Continue reading “Vietnamese Chopped Salad”

Panang Prawn Curry


I am sure I have said it before on this blog but I’ll just say it again, I absolutely love curries!  At this point if you’ve read a few of my posts you may have noticed I say this about most food.  I love meat.  Love chocolate (who doesn’t?).  Love coconut.  I could keep going for a while.   But truthfully, curry is right at the top of my list. Continue reading “Panang Prawn Curry”

Asian Salad with Chicken Satay & Peanut Lime Dressing

This recipe was inspired by one of the most amazing salads I have ever had (in a restaurant).  The place is called Olive & Gourmando, and is located downtown Montreal, near McGill University if I remember correctly, but don’t quote me on this.  I try to make a point of visiting “La Belle Province” at least once every couple years, for one to see my family, but also to reconnect with my culture and most importantly, to eat. Continue reading “Asian Salad with Chicken Satay & Peanut Lime Dressing”